
Successfully complete The Exchange level to unlock the Zoe Nightshade card, Oddjob and Baron Samedi in multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade. Successfully complete the Phoenix Fire level to unlock the Alura card and Demolition in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Paris Prelude level to unlock the Dominque card, Jaws and Renard in multi-player mode, and Missile upgrade. Successfully complete the Night Shift level to unlock the Kiko card and Team King Of The Hill in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Island Infiltration level to unlock the Ultralight card and Protection in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Equinox level to unlock the James Bond card, GoldenEye Strike multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Bond Space Suit in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Enemies Vanquished level to unlock the Vanquish Car card, Scaramanga and May Day in multi-player mode, and Camera upgrade. Successfully complete the Double Cross level to unlock the Mayhew card, Uplink multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Xenia Onatopp in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Deep Descent level to unlock the Vanquish Submarine card and Nick Nack in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Countdown level to unlock the Drake card and Explosive Scenery in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the Chain Reaction level to unlock the Rook card and Wai Lin in multi-player mode.

Successfully complete the Alpine Escape level to unlock the Military Snowmobile card, Assassination, Grapple, and Max Zorin in multi-player mode. If the line is already present, change the "0" to a "1" to unlock all levels. Add the line "sv_iamdone 1" to the file (if it does not already exists). Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the game folder. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.