To add other rows or columns in other locations, hold down the Ctrl key and select them. Select your first row or column. To insert multiple nonadjacent rows or columns, you have to tell Excel that youll be highlighting different areas of the worksheet.
Select Entire column and click OK (. Right-click and select Insert (figure 1). We have obtained a column How to Insert a Column in an Excel Worksheet Mouse Option 2: Click in a cell. Find «Charts»-«Insert Column Chart» and select the first type. Highlight the whole array including the header and click tab «INSERT». Windows 11 cheat sheet: Everything you need to knowLet’s create a column chart which will respond automatically to the changes made to the spreadsheet.
SUMIFS Excel Function Made Easy Use the SUMIFS function in Excel to add numbers in a range of cells based on single or multiple criteria. This SUMIFS Excel Function tutorial is suitable for users Excel 2013,2016, 2019 and Excel for Microsoft 365.
Now imagine inserting 100 or 500! If you need to do so even once, you'll want to use the VBA procedure in this article instead!SEE: 83 Excel tips every user should master (TechRepublic)I'm using Microsoft 365 on a Windows 10 64-bit system, but you can use earlier versions. Try inserting 20 columns manually, and you'll see what I mean. Once your selection moves off screen, the selection process is awkward, and it's easy to make mistakes. Windows 11: Tips on installation, security and more (free PDF)Inserting columns and rows in Microsoft Excel is a common task, and fortunately, it's simple, as long as you're not trying to enter too many columns (or rows) at the same time. Now you will see the values in the specified column are summed based on the criteria in the other column.

Choose Insert from the resulting submenu ( Figure A). To select an entire column, click the column header (the gray cell with the letter D). Begin by selecting column D—the column to the right of where you want to insert the new column. The same routine also works when inserting rows.Now, let's insert one column between columns C and D in any blank sheet as follows: If you select three columns Excel will insert three columns. If you select one column, Excel will insert one column.
But what if you need to insert 10, 15 or even 100 new columns? Selecting that many columns to the right would be awkward at best because you'll be scrolling off screen to access them all. You would never need a special procedure to enter a few new columns. Notice also that Excel updates the column header cells appropriately.If you change your mind, press Ctrl + Z to delete the column(s). Nothing happens to column C. The orange column was D now it's column E.
The next line uses the ActiveCell property to select the entire column, based on the cell the user clicks before running the procedure. First, the macro defines a couple of integer variables, i and j: i stores an input value that identifies the number of columns to insert, and j is a counter. How to use the VBA procedure to insert columns in ExcelThe procedure in Listing A works with the selected cell and performs exactly as the manual process does. Under these circumstances, you might want to use a VBA procedure instead.

When prompted, enter 10 ( Figure D), and then click OK. In the resulting dialog, choose InsertColumns(), shown in Figure C and click Run. Let's use the procedure to insert 10 columns between columns C and D: Before executing the macro, click a cell in the column to the right of where you want to insert the column.